Lord Julius 

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by Angela Nagle
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Barbarian at the Gates
by miles.mcstylez
Becoming Noble
by Johann Kurtz
Bet On It
by Bryan Caplan
BIG by Matt Stoller
by Matt Stoller
Billionaire Psycho
by Billionaire Psycho
The Cat Was Never Found
by Mark Bisone
Contemplations on the Tree of Woe
by Tree of Woe
Contra Mordor
by C.Jay Engel
The Conundrum Cluster
by Conundrum Cluster
The Course of Empire
by Jeremy Carl
Cremieux Recueil
by Cremieux
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by Cassie Kozyrkov
by Unskool
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by Dominic Cummings
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by Zvi Mowshowitz
Embers From The Ashes
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by Eric Kaufmann
The Eucatastrophologist
by Duncan Reyburn
by Daniel Larison
The Fall of The West
by Ahnaf Ibn Qais
The Forbidden Texts
by Academic Agent
Found in Translation
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Freddie deBoer
by Freddie deBoer
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by Demetri Kofinas
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by Drew Holden
How To Subvert Subversion with Yuri Bezmenov
by Yuri Bezmenov
In My Tribe
by Arnold Kling
It Bears Mentioning
by John McWhorter
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by John J. Mearsheimer
Joseph Bronski
by Joseph Bronski
Just Emil Kirkegaard Things
by Emil O. W. Kirkegaard
Jünger Translation Project
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by Christopher Brunet
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Knowledge Problem
by Lynne Kiesling
Konstantin Kisin
by Konstantin Kisin
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by Dennis Kucinich
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by Ven
Mary Harrington
by Mary Harrington
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by Michael Yon
The Missing Data Depot
by KW
Myth Pilot
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by Peter Nimitz
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by Neoliberal Feudalism
Neoliberal Feudalism
by Neoliberal Feudalism
a newsletter for infovores.
by Age of Infovores
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by Nina Power
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by Noah Carl
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Not On Your Team, But Always Fair
by Helen Dale
Observations by Myopic Eeyore
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by Palamambron
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by Ben Ansell
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by John Carter
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by Rand Paul Review
The Reversals of Fire
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Science Is Not The Answer
by William M Briggs
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by Seymour Hersh
Shakos Metaheuristics
by shako
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Some Private Diagonal
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by Dawes
Tessa Fights Robots
by Tessa Lena
This Week in Central Bank Digital Currency
by Christopher Brunet
by RealThomas777
Understanding America
by Oren Cass
Unsafe Science
by Lee Jussim
The Weekly Dish
by Andrew Sullivan
Welcome to Absurdistan
by elizabeth nickson
The World of Edrith
by Edrith
Wrong Side of History
by Ed West
Year Zero
by Wesley Yang