The app for independent voices

The idea of democracy as we know it is over, no matter what.

Too many people at this point have realized that Western democracies are uniparty, deep state-controlled affairs that only allow conformist politicians into their club, going back at the very least to the post-JFK world. They will assassinate, soft-assassinate, or simply derail anyone going against their interests and agendas, by rigging and otherwise.

Trump is an interesting anomaly in that he survived, which in itself is a symbol for the shifting times we live in. And I’m rooting for him, as any sane person should do, if only because of what he represents: people having enough of it, people seeing and sensing something is fundamentally wrong with this world.

But does anybody really believe that under these conditions, we can just go back to pretending democracy is this great, impartial machine churning out the will of the people? Or, less ambitiously, that we can fire a few bureaucrats, change a few laws, and back we are in the imaginary golden age of free and fair elections, with nice gentlemen debating each other on TV and a socially accepted Overton Window where everybody gets along?

Democracy was just an idea, and depended on its sacred status to hold a particular society together. Once this sacred idea reveals itself overtime as containing contradictions and inherent problems, as all sacred ideas do eventually, it’s game over.

It’s all good to pretend for a moment a Trump win will fix things and we get some relief from having stared the monster in the face. And some relief we would certainly get, even if it’s just the realization that we are not alone in what we see. But once you have so stared, everything changes, and there is no going back.

Whatever comes next, and whatever we call it, and however it will be conjured up, it will be something very different, representing a major rift in our consciousness: politically, socially, intellectually, spiritually.

Buckle up. Major birth pangs ahead. Things are only getting started.

Nov 5
6:18 PM