
🚹 The AI-powered internet is here. This is what is happening while you sleep and some of its legal implications:

➔ Social networks, news websites, media repositories, and every website we usually visit to consume or post content are becoming AI-Training-As-A-Service platforms. Through content licensing deals, the user content is transferred to AI companies (such as OpenAI) to train their AI models. Companies like Meta, which have the user data AND the AI models, are editing the Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service to state that all user data is fair game for training their AI.

➔ The remaining websites, including major e-commerce and gaming platforms, are heavily incorporating AI functionalities and tools and incentivizing users to create or edit content using AI.

➔ Given the ongoing cycle of data input, output, and recycling for AI training and the ubiquitous "create with AI" functionalities, it looks like soon, all the information available will be synthetic.

➔ This is the beginning of the transition from an ad-based internet into something else. This something else will be AI-powered, synthetic, fast-paced, personalized, biased, and with less human autonomy.

➔ Why less human autonomy? In the AI-powered internet, supporting autonomy is inefficient, as the AI-powered chatbot or agent can quickly output a single answer based on the whole internet (instead of a list of links, as in a search engine).

➔ The AI-generated output will be designed to please the user based on what the model already knows about the user and their biases.

➔ The model will also reflect its developers' biases, as they will be the decision-makers regarding which content should be allowed and which should not and what the model objectives, rules, and guardrails are.

➔ "Truth" and "facts" will become outdated concepts, as everything will be digested by immense AI models, synthesized, and personalized back to the user. There will be no place for consensus or universal truths. If you thought that there were "bubbles" in the ad-supported internet, this will not even be an issue in the new internet, as each one will have their own personalized AI-powered web.

➔ In terms of legal effects, besides the already existing AI-related challenges affecting data protection, consumer, and intellectual property law, I see big clashes in constitutional law, especially regarding free speech issues, which will be modulated through tech platforms and AI systems' specifications.

➔ It will be difficult (if not impossible) to scrutinize and control every "free speech-related" micro decision by the AI model, especially when these decisions happen a billion times a day. As a result, AI systems (and their developers) will largely control how and what we can read, say, or think.

➔ I'm an essentially optimistic person, and I think we'll find creative ways to overcome the ongoing and upcoming challenges. The earlier we notice the challenges, the better.
