Gender Transition Double Tragedy:

A friend told us this story today that happened near Newcastle, Australia. A family she is friend with has two teenage children. The boy, aged sixteen decided he wanted to be a girl and went through the full transition over two years - hormones, balls and penis chopped off and vagina and boobs created. She showed me the photo - looks like a young woman. Then the daughter decided she wanted to be a boy and also went through with it. Breast chopped off, the full works. She is seventeen now and looks like a boy on the family photos. Apparently the father is devastated. Will never have biological grandchildren.

And here comes the best part - the mother, who supported it, is a fucking psychologist.

My friend also showed me photos of both children when they were kids. Absolutely normal boy and girl. No signs of gender dysphoria at all. It all started in the teenage years. The manipulative power of this ideologically fuelled crime against humanity is simply unbelievable, not only towards the kids but also the “studied” mother. How insane.

These kids will have health problems for the rest of their lives - physical, emotional and psychological. As a father myself, I can not understand how this man did not protect his children from this. I would rather divorce my wife and break up the family than going along with this. I could never live with myself having not tried everything to stop this. How mad have we become as a society?

Nov 29
1:24 PM