Michael Beecham 

Mostly bothering fog and stuff. A work in progress. Not a massive fan of either NFTs or AI. Not your target audience.

You can try and try to make good images and, the more you practice your craft, the better you’re going to get. That’s without question. But, then again, there are images which just present themselves to you. All that time practicing with a camera should, hopefully, give you enough muscle memory to know what to do when one of those ‘once …


Another favourite local spot, Stourhead National Trust Estate.

Nikon FM2n | Ilford Delta 100

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I’ve taken more photos of this tree than, I think, any tree and still I’m not quite happy with it. But this is getting close.

I never really understand why some may take a single image in a local scene, and never return to shoot it again and again. Things change. Light changes, mood changes, the location itself changes. There are so many…