Faustian : (adjective) When you're granted a superpower that might lead to your own self-destruction. The uncertainty is what makes a Faustian Bargain different from the traditional and clear-cut "deal with the devil" (where you become a superhuman guitar player at the cost of guaranteed damnation).

Faust is a play with almost a dozen versions dating back to 1593. In most versions Faust is dragged into hell at the end, but Goethe's version (1832) has different nuances, a different ending, and changes the interpretation of the word.

Faust is a disgruntled scholar, and is tempted by Mephistopheles (an agent of the devil), who offers him knowledge, pleasure, and power beyond human limits. The catch is, if at any moment these experiences give him a moment of such complete satisfaction that he wishes to freeze time, only THEN, will his soul be brought to hell.

So a Faustian bargain is when an external agent empowers you to fulfill your desires in unimaginable ways, but leaves your fate in your hands. It’s up to your ability to not get so addicted that you lose sight of everything else. It speaks to the danger, intoxication, and unpredictability of paranormal power.

The play shows the upgraded Faust grasping with the metaphysical secrets of the universe, crazy sex, and the ability to turn swamps into land to build a new empire in his name. In each scenario, he's tempted to freeze time, but ultimately there is some emptiness or moral dilemma that stops him.

Faust becomes altruistic by the end. He has a vision of a utopian society that ends human suffering, and feels such bliss that his diabolical pact is triggered. However, since he froze time on something noble instead of something selfish, angels come to fight off Mephistopheles and his demons. Faust ends up in heaven, redeemed and purified.

Emerging technology has a faustian nature; it augments the human to incredible but near self-destructive heights if we become short-sighted. A faustian issue means there's an inner or public debate on whether something should be maximized to it's ultimate limits, or if we should strive forward from a place of wisdom.
