As you read (or watch) the interview Vlad gave to the next Vice President of the United States, ask yourself this:

Has Putin actually said something new or made some "shocking revelations" that anyone who is even semi-awake hasn't already known for at least two years?

Even more importantly:

Has he said ANYTHING at all that can genuinely have an adverse impact on the plans of the infamous they/deep state/cabal?

Maybe he did and I missed it. Happy to be corrected (genuinely).…

Also, pay attention to this bit where Putin is having a dig at Carlson for ‘attempting’ to join the CIA back in the day and how they could have ended up as direct adversaries as a result but also admitting that “a job is a job”. Carlson's face in response says it all.…

Putin-Carlson interview: Full transcript
Feb 9
1:57 AM