
As I often have said, my innocent ignorance has led me to many exciting adventures, experiences, and creations. If I were to overthink, I would find all the reasons I'm not supposed to be doing what I have done. Or, as my musician/songwriter friend says, “Dare to suck.”

The zone: that creative space where I pour out what is bubbling inside me.

Outside the zone: cutting, carving, and improving that zone outpouring.

Although, there are times I've spontaneously “dared to suck” and sucked without the ability to take it back— e.g., The night in a writing class when I danced to Mingus's “Goodbye Pork Pie Hat" as I read the Mingus poem I wrote. I looked up to see stunned students. I sucked. But now it's a funny memory I'll use in a story.
