I’m watching in real time how shitlibs, who operate as a hive mind, are starting to be primed and waiting download instructions on how to freak out about Trump’s re-election. They revel in being the “rebel against the racist big government”, that’s the core role they feel they were born to play. It’s why Stars Wars is so popular among neckbeards. The important thing is not to get sucked into opposing them directly. The hivemind feeds off resistance to it, they are energized by it, which they see as oppositional energy needing to be overcome. It’s better to ignore them. It’s never worth it to engage them as equals and it’s a big mistake to do so. For example, shitlib women are starting to freak out that Trump will take away abortion rights nationally (which he will not do); meanwhile they can’t afford to live in this world due to the enormous cost of living - there’s a total mis-weighing of issues and priorities. Trying to talk sense into shitlibs is like trying to teach algebra to ants.

(This isn’t to argue that a significant portion of the right’s myopic cheerleading of Trump as blind hero worship isn’t any less nauseating.)

Nov 8
6:20 PM