The app for independent voices

The last decade has been a decade of public revelation.

The revelation of the existence of the NPC.

The revelation of the existence of the deep state.

The revelation of the existence of the uniparty.

What has not been publicly revealed yet:

The nature of the privately owned central bank system.

The nature of the egalitarian ratchet effect.

The nature of how giving attention to false media narratives gives those narratives power, even if you consciously reject it’s messaging.

The unsustainability of mankind’s rates of resource consumption (with a focus on oil EROEI and how inefficient alternative energy is other than nuclear), leading to the likely eventual end of the secular materialist project.

The incompatibility of the Jewish worldview with stable Western societies.

All may eventually be revealed, but only after sustained, intense, and deep societal pain. Based on the level of spiritual awakening within the West we are nowhere close to the end. Much more disappointment is in store.

Nov 19
11:15 PM