
If we’re being honest many in the MSM never had the courage to truly go after Trump. It’s easier to cover the horse race or take shots at HRC & later, Biden. Dude was a miscreant for decades in NYC. Started grooming a 12 year-old girl when she took figure skating lessons at his rink in Central Park. She called him her ‘Dirty Uncle’ ended up with him at Epstein’s on E.71 St. a few years later & said to me ‘you would not believe what those men did to girls in that place’ one of many such stories. Too seedy? How about the more public behavior on ‘Miss Teen USA’ or Vanky’s lap dances at Mar a Lago? How about snorting Adderall and stealing his medical records from his Doc? Who btw turned up dead in Jan ‘21. How about the helicopter pilots in ‘89 who wound up dead for talking to feds? How about Fat Tony Salerno making sure the mob concrete still flowed during a Teamsters Strike in ‘82 as long as John Cody got a free condo for his moll in the shiny new Trump Tower? If that pig becomes POTUS again there will be no real journalism. Reflect on that and act accordingly while u still can. Trump will turn NYT into NY Post on day one. You will be writing puff pieces on Melania Trump’s sartorial flair & Don Jr’s stubble if Donald gets re-elected. Many of you will happily do it too. It’s a business after all and Trump will leverage your greed against you. Sadly, he understands this moment better than most. Stop him. Stop the madness. Vote Blue.
