
Sure, the DNC published platform doesn’t contain a reference to crypto, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to think it would:

1)  It was written a while ago, when Biden was still the candidate, and has not been changed since then, it even refers to a Biden 2nd term - if a simple Find/Replace was too much to get through multiple committees, no way was new language going to get inserted!

2)  Crypto is not a significant topic for the party (which you could spin positive, as in there was no mention of Senator Warren’s “anti-crypto army”).

3)  If I were Harris, I’d wait until after the convention to publicly distance myself from the established doctrine. After all, she’s not officially the candidate until after the convention vote.

I’m not suggesting the Democrats are going to go pro-crypto, I don’t think they are. But it would be pretty stupid to remain as hostile as the current administration while courting younger voters and working to portray a newly energized party.

If Harris does choose to listen to her anti-crypto advisors, then her chances of winning are lower.

Either way, as the uncertainty lifts, investor interest in crypto should pick up.

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5:56 PM
Aug 20, 2024