This week, we launched deep research. Think of it like a really fast, really smart PhD student that can do research for you. You can ask it to do a literature review on a topic in your field, analyze the results from a series of randomized controlled trials, or even generate a report that organizes key findings in a table and includes citations.
Here’s how:
You made it, you own it
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
How to break out of the trap of wishing organizations were rational, ordered systems that "just" need to define terms and do the right thing...
Consider how hard it is for a single human being—with complete autonomy, social support, and a conducive environment—to stick to any “rational” habit. We know what is right but have a terrible time doing what is right, even in an optimal environment.
Now, layer in more humans—with different motivations, different beliefs and worldviews, different skill le…