
The app for independent voices

Let’s admit: we created a BIG problem with annoying popups. Let’s solve it, NOW 👇

Popups exist around because they’re an easy go-to, but they cause blindness (users skip them), interruptions (they break flow), and irrelevance (poor timing pushes users away).

Breaking this pattern requires user-centric, behavior-driven methods.

Here are 3 …

3 Behavioural Methods for better Habit-forming experience

Can someone please subscribe to Growth Unhinged 😈 😭

There are so many ways to display a large data table on a small mobile screen. But none of them are better than the card view layout.

This is the simplest and most efficient way to display any size table on a small mobile screen. Users don’t need to scroll or click a button to view more columns. They can scan them all simultaneously and e…

The Best Mobile Layout for Complex Data Tables

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

3 Behavioural Methods for better Habit-forming experience

Learn how to structure Figma files that make handoff seamless and speed up product development. 👇

Product-Ready Figma Files (part 2)

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Remote work doesn't thwart productivity. It boosts focus.

Government workers are 12% more productive when randomly assigned to work from home.

They're more efficient where it's quiet. Most people aren't shirking from home. They're escaping distractions and long commutes.