Nate Marshall 

Work, theology, prayer, and the ordering of the material world as it orders our interior world. Apologist for manual labor. Plumber by trade. Seminarian and would-be writer. Chasing turds and words.

S. Basil the Great: "Do you think that I posit the antiquity of fasting on the basis of the law? Indeed, fasting is older than the law. ...Fasting is as old as humanity: it was legislated in paradise. It was the first command that Adam received: You shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You shall not eat legislat…

S. Basil the Great: "Do you think that I posit the antiquity of fasting on the basis of the law? Indeed, fasting is older than the law. ...Fasting is as old as humanity: it was legislated in paradise. It was the first command that Adam received: You shall not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You shall not eat legislat…

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I discovered this for myself a couple years ago. It has a fun application to Jesus and Mary:

Our Lord Jesus is truly the “bread-guardian” for He lays down His life and dispenses His flesh, the Bread of Heaven

Our Lady Mary is truly the “bread-kneader” for by her womb came this Bread of Heaven

more etymology, did you know that “lord” and “lady” were old english words for “bread-guardian” and “bread-maker?”