David Ddraig Goch 

I'm a child of the 60s, Navy Vet so I swear a lot. I'm a 🐶&🐱Dad and married for 25 years. I DESPISE MAGA supporters and Fuck trump. I support LGBTQIA+ BLM, I'm a Humanist. I will Resist Fascism in every way I can.
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It’s great that people are finally seeing things and speaking up but it’s heartbreaking that it ALWAYS seems to take them to the point where they can ONLY see it when it personally affects them or insults them. WAKE THE FU€K UP PEOPLE! Trump didn’t change! He is who he has always been - a greedy liar who will say anything to get more money or power! It’s YOU who changed, when you heard your wisper of conscience tell you what he’s been saying from day 1 of mocking a handicap reporter, calling a …

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This is Rosa Parks’ moment