
Typically, B and I get up at 6:30am to go to the gym. Like clockwork, we did the same this morning. With the sun warming through the blinds, I turned around and told him I didn’t want to go and that we should stay in and sleep longer. Wide awake, we sat in bed reading instead.

For the rest of the day, the heat crept into the apartment and all I could muster for lunch was bowl of cereal with cold, cold milk. Refreshing. 

On an afternoon walk earlier, a man played his saxophone in the park while others lounged around on picnic blankets in the sun. I wanted to tip the musician, but I didn’t have any coins with me. I meandered home listening to the chaos of living near the street — cars honking, music blasting from radios, the familiar ring-ring-ring of a bell on a child’s bike. Typically, all these things irritate me, but today it didn’t. I suppose warm weather can do that to you. Everything feels better when the sun is out.
