If you missed the news yesterday, the 538 at Disney era is over. Mostly, I just want to express my sympathy for the staff, which was full of highly conscientious people. Then there’s some discussion here about our short- and long-term plans for the newsletter. I hope the spirit of 538 lives on between Silver Bulletin and other news outlets.
About those “transgender mice”. Yes, it turns out it isn’t a lie. They have been spending millions to test the effect of cross-sex hormones on mice.
Now ask yourself one question: how many medical experiments are carried out on humans before they have even been tested on mice? Now remember the humans are CHILDREN. This is the most grotesq…
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
Awwwww…….Poor Sam Alito is “stunned” that the Supreme Court actually acted like a co-equal branch of government for a change, ruling against Trump/DOGE freezing already allotted USAID funds. Or maybe he’s just pissed because he works for the executive branch. In any case, this has the makings of a true constitutional crisis (in his fever…