Philip Sherburne 

I've been writing about music—mostly electronic or experimental—since the late 1990s. You've probably read my work in Pitchfork. I'm also cofounder of Balmat, an ambient-ish record label, and the cohost of Spain’s Lapsus Radio (

I should have mentioned in my “Unpacking My Library” piece that in addition to the reader query that inspired yesterday’s post, Emma Withers asked me to contribute to her ongoing survey of writers’ music libraries. I’m eager to read the series!

Over the next few months I’ll be publishing conversations with some of my favourite Substack music writers about the almost impossible task of keeping an online music library in any order! Started by chatting to

from New Bands for Old Heads!

It was a busy week on Futurism Restated!

On Tuesday, I wrote about new albums from Laurie Torres, Ariel Kalma & Asa Tone, Ilian Tape’s MPU101, Oren Ambarchi & Eric Thielemans, MK Velsorf & Aase Nielsen (the second signing to Laurel Halo’s AWE label), and more. I also got a little bit political, because how could you not right now.

On Thur…

Futurism Restated 103: Unpacking My Library
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