Good morning, Drs. Malone; It's good to be back as a subscriber on your substack! My "retreat" from all social media from late spring to late summer was to allocate time to the celebration of our 65th wedding anniversary , an event scheduled for early July. Relatives and friends from across the country and locally joined us for luncheon on a perfect mid-western summer day, the sun sparkling on the river's blue water and the air clear and warm. The joy of the gathering, however, turned shortly t…
I love your farming posts. Gonzo and Gizmo are darling. You need to write a children’s book about them ( in all your spare time). Those baby horses (foals) are so darling. Nothing like babies whether human or animal. My youngest child is expecting a baby. We are so excited to have a new baby in the family.
Our garden had a late start because of a cold Spring. Our tomatoes are coming on. We thought we would try canning tomato soup this year. Have you ever dried sliced tomatoes.? They could be gro…
What a pleasure to open your Substack this morning and read about your homesteading trials, tribulations and successes! I definitely live vicariously through you and Jill and love all your posts! Yes, I like the political and world informative posts, but I WANT/NEED your homesteading posts! Thank you. Today was a beautiful reading.