Can we talk about the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM? Esteemed economists agree that all these tariffs, as well as the labor shortage due not just to deportations but to fear among immigrants to come to work, will plunge our economy into a destabilized state. Who benefits? Not the vast majority of Americans. PUTIN BENEFITS- economic havoc in the U…
When will Congressional leadership, both Democrats and Republicans address THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: We now have a "Russian asset" in the White House? It is a nightmare that we would have thought to have found only in dystopian novels. Not anymore. Will leaders of the military and intelligence gathering sectors of the government come for…
Secretary Reich the Democrats are wisely staying within the Rule of Law - something Trump/Musk are not. Critical to enforcing the Rule of Law is staying within its confines, to be a role model of good citizenship. If this is not done - anarchy ensues. What we are missing is a charismatic leader among the Democrats. Jamie Raskin, Amy Kobl…