This is just an argument for getting rid of women’s sports. Without a separate category basically no women would be able to compete by the time they got to the high school level. I think there are reasons to value women participating in sports: it seems likely to correlate with long run health, seems positive for building discipline, learning to cooperate etc. But he has a point, which is that stopping at sex segregation is somewhat arbitrary. You could use the same argument to suggest we should further segregate - e.g. basketball for men under 5’11” or using weight classes in football as we do in combat sports. The more segregation you have the more technique, practice, and hard work will influence outcomes, and it’s intuitive to want to reward those characteristics rather than pure natural luck. But excessive segregation misses the point of high level sport, which is to observe and test the limits of human ability through structured competition.

Apr 20
10:22 AM