
Thanks for writing this, very interesting review. The problem I see is that abandoning a Christian moral framework and a liberal political framework means abandoning the United States as a whole. And while it’s certainly possible (and eventually inevitable), I’m not persuaded that this post-America regime is desirable or that it would be better than what we have now. It would mean that we are in a Weimar scenario, with radical movements across the political spectrum vying for the regime. I would prefer to adapt and develop the founding principles to our current challenges. There is still a lot of good in this country and there is still hope for transcending our problems through culture war, changes to the law, and institutional reform.

How To Defeat Woke: Rufo vs Hanania
Written by Sasha Ivanov. This year saw the publication of two very important books, which are bound to shape intellectual discourse and (hopefully) public policy in coming years. Richard Hanania’s The Origins of Woke and Chris Rufo’s America’s Cultural Revolution