With Trump appointed by the Deep State, we are entering the next phase of the psyop.

Here is what will happen going forward.

Given: Trump will do what he did in his first term: absolutely nothing, or worse, pursue neocon foreign policy and liberal migration policy at home while hiring the worst of the swamp.

It is vitally important though that American patriots do not realize this and continue to think that Trump is doing something. Narratives like battling the Deep State, playing the long game, outsmarting his opponents with 5D chess will be trotted out again for the gullible masses.

In other words, there will be an Operation Trust/QAnon disinfo narrative brought out again.

Our fearless Culture Warriors™ will start spinning all the inaction or anti-American policies coming out of Washington in the next 4 years as yet another clever patriotic 5D chess strategy. Most of these Culture War Canadian essayists (seriously, they’re literally all Canadian, why is this?) will pivot from shilling for Trump’s election to covering for his ass and pretending that things are getting fixed. Criticism of the federal government will become much harder.

Because it will be conflated with criticism of Trump.

The goal of all of this disinfo is to continue boiling the frog slowly, of course and to restore flagging faith in Liberal Democratic institutions. After all, it couldn’t be all bad since they got their guy elected, right? In the meantime, genuine dissident voices will be hushed, suppressed, or shouted down as being anti-patriotic by the snorting swine MAGA masses.

This is not speculation on my part, we saw the same unhinged shouting and name-calling when even former Trump diehard conservatives like Ann Coulter got excommunicated from MAGA for pointing out that Trump had reneged on his pledge to build a wall. The Q-masses will join in the lynch mob to defend their tangerine champion in the name of whatever hoax ideology they subscribe to (Christianity, Americanism). Trump is a literal messianic figure to most lower caste Americans at this point. To call it a cult would be an understatement. Trumpmania and its ugly sister counterpart, Trump Derangement Syndrome, are a modern day full-blown religious hysteria.

Worryingly, in the emotional tempest that his presidency has unleashed, rational and reasonable discussion will become impossible except among a small slice of conspiracy-minded folks.

I already experience the same obstacles in my work trying to explain Putin and his Kremlin to religious fanatics of one ideological camp or the other. Thankfully, because I made the conscious decision not to comment on American politics anymore, I hope to be spared the worst of the hysterical derangement that Trump evokes. I do feel bad for the few brave voices out there willing to provide sober analysis going forward and who haven’t regressed into the most debased form of dark age ideological tribalism. It is going to be a rough and maddening 4 years for anyone who doesn’t fit into the following two camps of saints: the Trump worshippers and the Trump deniers.

Meanwhile, the enemy has bought itself 4 years of deradicalization to effect their policies among the hapless masses.

My advice as always is to simply check out politically and secede from the political conversation these next four years. Continue hardening yourself for the trials to come. Don’t listen to the Canadians and their lies.

Nov 7
7:28 AM