
Paradigms/Silos of Power!AmfKpX6YRGNggm9AdMmT8l1GU3JS

To understand the mechanisms of modern society you first must be aware of the Paradigms/Silos of Power:

1. Political (government)

2. Media (the 4th Estate)

3. Military/Paramilitary (includes police)

4. Academia (includes Church)

5. Corporate (Big business/white-collar)

6. Workers/Union (working-class/blue-collar)

7. Shadow Government = private Intelligence Community (the 5th Estate/5th Column)

Paradigm Shifts:

Reform versus Rebellion: It is easier to use another silo versus a corrupt branch than it is to enforce reform from within a branch or silo.

(Or in the case of asymmetrical, 5th column, warfare, to corrupt them from one silo to the other)


Next are the mechanisms of control.

4 stages of Suppression:

1. Criticize

2. Marginalize

3. Attack

4. Censor


Dr. Shiva interview by Kim Iverson has some brilliant observations on the Swarm, bottomsup organized movements, Jesse Jackson as a Stalking Horse in the 80s, the Systems Model approach, decentralization verus current created theater

Basically the mechanisms of controlled opposition and the illusion of competition (like corporations and our products or the revolving door regarding oversight and regulation).

Who do you look to for your 'liberation' and self interests?


Rule of Law (A lot of material here):

From Wikipedia, "Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Commonwealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil...written by Thomas Hobbes...published in 1651...Its name derives from the biblical Leviathan.

The work concerns the structure of society and legitimate government, and is regarded as one of the earliest and most influential examples of social contract theory." The main premise of the social contract of a society is not only the creation of sound and reasonable laws but enforcement of these laws.”…

Cicero wrote an essay on community once, breaking down the components of the Empire, layer by layer to it's basic building block of the friendship between two men.

(Any help with rediscovering that essay would be much appreciated).


What we have seen in these attacks against our constitutional institutions and rights is a direct example of a lack of enforcement due to the corruption from an extensive criminal enterprise (the legal term for corruption of this level). Draining the swamp will be neither swift nor easy, and at times can appear insurmountable. We can either sit around and complain or get busy with the hard work.

Hah! there are obviously other, but undesirable, options in my opinion that are available. Only one of those is productive and leads to hope. Without enforcement, there can be no Rule of Law. Without the Rule of Law, there is no nation as we know it, and unrest is inevitable from the ensuing anarchy.

I strongly recommend Political Moonshine ( ) as he has amassed a massive trove of evidence regarding the current Criminal Enterprise.


For more on the evolution of social contracts:

Discourses on Livy (c. 1517) by Niccolò Machiavelli deserves an honorable mention too, on the evolution of modern Republics.…

Also The Magna Carta was the main original challenge to the Divine Mandate of a kings right to rule, and the Scottish friars teaching the common populace how to read the Bible also helped precipitate our governments evolution. See “How the Scots Invented the Modern World” by Richard Blackaby…

And a current essay on our Social Contract:

Shredded Social Contract…
