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Synchronistically, I clicked onto the Democracy Now interview with Ms. Klein right after experiencing Naomi Wolf’s Aha Moment on camera in her interview with Ed Dowd that she released with a personal anecdote regarding her emotional breakdown. A clip of RFK Jr. in the opening intro to the NPR video entitled “Naomi Klein and her new book ‘Doppelgänger’: How Conspiracy Culture Benefits Ruling Elite” This was my own Naomi Aha Moment 🤔 🤣: Naomi (Klein) is being used, along with all women trapped in the corrupt system, needle in hand and this book is a hot item because of the patriarchal pleasure in putting two women against each other.

That’s what I felt but couldn’t express in the instinct of not wanting to read it.

Toby, thank you for reading and reviewing and posting on Klein’s new book. I was thinking that I would have to do it because of the Jungian association of Doppelgänger with the Shadow. I’m a rare Jungian in the deconstructionist transition who is also an astrologer (the reason why Jung was booted from the Freud lineage) and you nailed her astrology chart: Klein’s Sun combust Mercury with Saturn (ouch!) in Taurus. Uranus going over Neptune in Scorpio (Naomi Wolf has a stellium in Scorpio (Sun, Venus, Mercury & Neptune) impacted by eclipses the last 18 months, as has Ms. Klein, with Taurus/Sun/Mercury in opposition.

The Klein rage you highlight is jealously in being trapped in the very system that allowed her to publish and get plush jobs at universities requiring vaccines. And yet, not being able to leap into the paradigm shift as Naomi Wolf has in revealing her authentic feminine self!

The unintended result of publishing and publicizing this book in mainstream outlets and making her reappraise on X with a takedown of Russell Brand ( the ultimate mainstream brand gone rogue with his one man revolution tearing down the system maintained by vaccine) is your polemic characterizing Naomi Klein as the Doppelgänger (in German Literature these were vampires a la Nosferatu according to research by my advisor Laurence Rickels). By way of this symbol opening up the history of psychotherapy that excluded Jung for his occult as immersion, Klein here is the unconscious spokesperson of the vampiric system feeding off the masses by poisoning their with faux vaccines!

“The book is a disaster that will leave a permanent stain on Ms. Klein’s legacy. The only silver lining is that it gives us a very detailed look inside the mind of a Covidian.”

Wow! This is much more than a book review. It is a polemic in an inventive new Substack freestyle transcending the subject/object divide signifying in form the paradigm shift the content— inventing Klein to embrace her Shadow as (as her Sun Neptune opposition is eclipsed next month) and embrace the quantum consciousness of Substack free-thinkers! Bravo 👏

Sep 22, 2023
4:01 PM