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Many Catholics don’t know that you can receive a plenary indulgence by praying the Stations of the Cross on Friday’s during Lent.

Here’s how it works:

“A plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who personally make the pious Way of the Cross, or devoutly unite themselves to the Way of the Cross while it is being led by the Supreme Pontiff and broadcast live on television or radio.”

The Manual of Indulgences lists the following requirement:

  1. The pious exercise must be made before stations of the…

The Case of Marko Rupnik: An Artist’s Perspective

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Lenten tension, velvet gloves, and watching ‘with love’

The chart of the week. This is just actually crazy. Graph made by The News Memo.

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An interesting tradition: Popes leave a “spiritual testament” to only be found and read upon their death.

My latest features snippets from the last 6 pontiffs (plus a surprise bonus one at the end):

The spiritual testaments of the last 6 popes