Steve 218 

Retired IT technician, Blackburn College, Carlinville, IL.
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Just like Germany continues to remember the Holocaust, we must do the same for the Jim Crow laws that the south continued to live by. If we don’t remember, we forget. This was another period in our history that was a horror and embarrassing just like some of the things happening today.,..,Jan6, Zelensky meeting et al. Memories teach and we have a lot to learn.

Beautiful rendition. Thanks for sharing and reminding!

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People “believe” this happened a “long, long time ago”, but it was only yesterday. I was told that the slaves were “freed” in 1865 and all was “well”. Although my parents thought the treatment of black people was appalling, they never explained to us the History of Racism and Bigotry. They set the example of how to treat ALL people everyday with kindness, respect and grace and that’s where the lessons of “equal” came from.

Thanks again Dan, every Sunday I consider this post my “Sermon”.

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Today in NYC we will Rally and March at Cily Hall and across the Brooklyn Bridge! A celebration of sorrow and achievement- and a turning point being enacted all over this country. Now, as then, we are at a crossroads.