Steve Skojec 

Deconstructing belief. Exploring the unexplained. Navigating the chaos of a rapidly changing world.

From time to time, someone who knows me from my previous work as a Catholic commentator asks me why I left the Catholic Church.

My answer is usually that “it’s complicated,” and that the full explanation would take too long.

Today, I took a crack at the full answer. I didn’t get to all the specifics, but I think this is progress. It’s a …

"Why Did You Leave The Catholic Faith?"
I Was Told "America Depends on the UK for Legitimacy." Big Mistake.
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People don't understand that Russia's motives are defensive and existential. Yes, Putin is a thug. Yes, they're the aggressor. But they feel that they are fighting for their survival. They are desperate, cornered, and willing to use any option to defend what they have left.

This makes them incredibly dangerous, and it means the West is p…