
How do we express nurturance, attend to our families, and express the protective energy within us toward others?


Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices and has so many uses. Its natural antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties have been scientifically proven to aid in easing arthritis, defending against infection, as well as regulating blood sugar. It is a rather strong spice; a little goes a long way. In the hoodoo tradition, cinnamon is considered to bring great luck in business.

This card asks us to turn to our bloodlines for answers. The past is prologue; what you find upon examining your past (and your family’s past) is what will help save you in the present and the future. Like cinnamon, a little knowledge will go a long way. The ancestors are waiting to share what they know; just ask. You may not like what you find, but it is still relevant information all the same. Stand in the ancestral wisdom and let it guide and heal you, despite what you and others may think of it.

Deck: Herbcrafter’s Tarot by Latisha Guthrie (artwork by Joanna Powell Colbert).

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