
What do we need to know regarding issues of love, luck, artistic and creative expression, and female wisdom?


Tulsi (holy basil) is a plant used to enhance memory, restore energy, and clear toxins. This is an appropriate plant as we head into the new year (2024); many are now cleaning up and clearing out things (and people, and situations) so as to go into the new year with a clean slate.

This card is quite clear (no pun intended): it’s time to awaken to your true purpose in love, luck, artistic and creative expression, and female wisdom. If you’ve kept it dormant, now is the time to wake it up. If you’ve denied yourself your truth for whatever reason, now is the time to open your eyes (and the eyes of others) and own what is truly yours. If you have been afraid of tapping into your intuition and inner wisdom, now is the time to feel the fear and do it anyway. Now is the time to see things as they truly are, and also in the context of who we are now, and govern ourselves accordingly.

Deck: Herbcrafter’s Tarot by Latisha Guthrie (artwork by Joanna Powell Colbert).

Thanks for stopping by. #SacredDaysOfYule #SDOY23
