
How do we release the old and let in the new?


If you have ever been in a desert area, then you have smelled the unmistakeable smell of creosote. Creosote is a very hardy plant; it can survive in places with poor soil, where other plants cannot.

This card is asking us to release the old and let in the new by blooming where you are planted. Your circumstances may not be ideal, and you may not be where you want to be (and around who you want to be), but making the best of your situation will help you move on from the past and move more firmly toward the future.

Work with what you have, including (limited) options; make something out of nothing; or, as the saying goes, “make a dollar out of fifteen cents” (rather appropriate since this is an earth/pentacle card, which is associated with money). Have gratitude for what you have and what you manage to accomplish with the tools at your disposal.

Deck: Herbcrafter’s Tarot by Latisha Guthrie (artwork by Joanna Powell Colbert)

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