
Daily oracle reading: May 28, 2024

61 ZHONG FU: Wisdom

A little knowledge can go a long way; social media is a prime example of this. Anyone with a bit of knowledge about a subject (or sometimes, no knowledge at all) can set themselves up as an “expert” or “influencer”.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.

In today’s climate so many people are looking to be led, and don’t want the responsibility of seeking answers for themselves. This leaves a dangerous vacuum for disinformation and misinformation to take root and flourish.

Use your knowledge for good and not for evil, to uplift instead of tearing down. And when in doubt, just be quiet.

“It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt of it.” - Maurice Switzer (1906)

Thanks for stopping by.

[Deck: I-Ching Tarot by Kwan Lau and Patricia Pardini]
