Teófilo de Jesús 

Retired Military Officer | AF Combat Vet | Early cohort GenX’er | PRican | Catholic | Theologian | KofC | ProLife | Grandpa x5 | I don’t feed trolls |

“Push back against the age as hard as it pushes against you.”

— Flannery O'Connor

Reform the Reformation: Repairing Luther's fallacy
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Hear hear!

Former President of Poland Lech Walesa wrote the following letter to Trump.

Your Excellency, Mr. President,

We watched the report of your conversation with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, with fear and distaste. We find it insulting that you expect Ukraine to show respect and gratitude for the material assistance provided by the United States in its fight against russia. Gratitude is owed to the heroic Ukrainian soldiers who shed their blood in defense of the values of the…