Ben Cohen 

Editor of The Banter Newsletter, Brit living in Washington DC, occasional contributor to The Daily Beast, former boxing and MMA scribe for ESPN (many moons ago).
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How Alt-Right Grifters Screwed Ukraine

This is an actual interaction between Trump and a journalist in the Oval Office today:

Journalist: Putin is bombing Ukraine. Do you still believe him that he wants peace?

Trump: I believe him. We're doing very well with Russia. But right now they're bombing the hell out of Ukraine. I'm finding it more difficult, frankly, to deal with Ukraine.

What planet do you have to live on for this to make sense?

This is like saying a victim of rape fighting back makes justice more difficult. Utter madness.

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Never thought I’d say I feel sorry for Marco Rubio. Bring a psychopathic billionaire into government and this is what happens. What an absolute shit show.