
Great article! Once again an interesting take on how ever-changing energy prices affect countries.

Says it all ...

"Despite its obvious role in Mexico’s outsized economic performance during the past few years, the word “energy” does not make an appearance anywhere in the Fed’s study, demonstrating, .., the energy blindness afflicting so much of contemporary economic analysis. Countries that are swimming in cheap hydrocarbons and have a manufacturing base to capitalize on them outperform, and those that are starved of the same contract. It need not be more complicated than that.

Just ask Germany."

... and it could be so easy to solve.

But no one seems to be interested in "simple" solutions these days. It looks like the new political logic is: "If there's no outrage, it's not important."

Well done guys!

Border Crossings
How Mexico is benefiting from the North American natural gas glut.