🔪 Nice Guys Are More Dangerous Than You Think:

The Men You Should Actually Fear Aren’t the Loud Ones—They’re the Ones You Never See Coming.

Ever notice how every time something horrific happens, people say the same thing?

"He was quiet, polite, a nice guy—never would’ve expected it.""Seemed like an average dude, kept to himself, no trouble…

A harmless man is not a good man.

Men, Listen Up—This Might Sting

Some of you are out here polishing a sword you’ll never get to swing—doing everything for a woman who’s just biding her time until the next guy. And the worst part? You see the signs, but you ignore them.

If she wanted you, you’d know. If she doesn’t, you’ll be confused. Stop auditioning for a role that’s al…

She was never really THAT into you…
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