
I’ve always seen these and the photos are amazing! So… I’m being brave and sharing a little glimmer of November for me.

I forgot how much I love this month! Nature’s last hurrah before she burrows deep into the darkness.

I walk this path at least once a day with the baby napping in her buggy, with my eldest scooting, by myself, I have walked it in all seasons year after year, and there is not one day that I don’t feel held by this pathway and the trees and hedges that surround it.

Held in my grief, my joy, my tender moments, my anxious moments.

November has that sense of chapters ending I think, certainly here in the UK anyway. But the blue skies and explosions of gold and red and orange remind me that endings are beautiful, and give glimmers and hope for chapters to come.

I’m looking forward to seeing more of November in this challenge. Thank you

Photo Challenge - November
Confused? Don't be. I want to see what November means to you. It can be sorrow, love, heartbreak, tranquility, nature, people, clothes, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, religion, it doesn't matter.