
This was shared with me by someone from Pink's Instagram. It's really well-balanced. The world is so agitated right now, with disinformation and propaganda everywhere, that you are unable to say anything. I'm not sure what to believe, and because I take so long to absorb things, I won't be able to express myself right away because I'm autistic. I take mental notes, read what I can, and try to learn.

But the heightened immediacy of social media reactivity without pausing almost demands people speak up even when they lack knowledge, which is why so many people seem to be shouting without pausing. Nuance is out of the question. Just yelling with fury. I have no idea how that benefits anyone.

 Pausing or refraining from opinion is not the weakness some claim it to be by branding others who remain silent as complicit, which is a pretty poisonous thing to do. If keeping quiet about everything fulfils your emotional needs, then don't say anything.

 Twenty years ago, we would still be sitting here tonight, horrified, but without the need to vent our feelings on the internet. Immerse yourself in that for a minute. If only the clocks went back earlier to that time, eh?

 Finally, a brief note on what I am reading to learn more about the historical elements is James Barr's A Line in the Sand: Britain, France, and the Struggle that Shaped the Middle East.

The book thoroughly acknowledges the agency of the Israelis and Arabs, something that imperial history frequently fails to do, and does a good job of evaluating how diverse religious and ethnic groups interact from a European viewpoint.

But since I still don't have the depth of knowledge for much discussion or to take sides—which is what it feels like the world expects one to do (I seldom take sides because I am looking for the median with it all my middle ground)

 But this was fitting for Pink to share.

 Take care of your boundaries with it and tell the people you love that you love them because, sadly, we can't take anything for granted anymore.

The world keeps breaking and feels like it is on the verge of something truly horrific for all of humanity.
