
“Leave the World Behind” appears to follow a recent pattern of a mass power outages affecting numerous countries including the US. Other movies that include this thematic element, include: Live Free Die Hard, American Blackout, The Road, Into the Forest; not to mention numerous apocalyptic movies and shows.

The Screenrant description heavily reinforces/repeats the words ‘Obama’ and ‘realism’ (authentic, realistic). This is interesting, as Obama did not preside over any notable mass blackouts (US had a huge one in 2003, 1965, and a lesser extent, Katrina in 2005. 2021 Texas. Obama was president from 2009-2017.)

Symbolism in the trailer (quick and dirty):

Starts with a blue room. In Freemasonry, blue depicts the first three degrees.

Julia Roberts is wearing a black and white dress, in a basic checkered pattern, whoch represents the floor of every lodge, the duality of existence.

Immediately transitions to a white house, two meanings perhaps, the White House and white symbolizes purity and innocence, characters are still clean. Inside is white and black, again duality. Artwork, pyramids over a table (several meanings, tied to Eye of Providence typically), and then artwork with just eyes, again Eye of Providence, which is a Luciferian symbol. The road outside home is another eye.

Kitchen scene, WiFi and TV out, and there's a bowl of apples. They've eaten the Forbidden Fruit and are waking up.

Black man shows up, white man answering door, again, duality of light and dark. A stretch, but the woman at the door has tattoo of number “96,” which if divided by two, as there's two of them, (Obamas?) one gets the number 32; it is purported Obama is a 32nd Degree Free Mason. In a bathing suit, the same woman appears to have the horns of Baphomet protruding from her bikini line (sex magic is important in Free Masonic sex magic rituals).

The emergency broadcast, ties the evolving emergency to a cyber-attack, which Klaus Schwab has warned us about, recall WEF Cyber Polygon exercises - a “cyber pandemic.”

Every single car not working was a Tesla.

Multiple symbols of does and bucks (deer), possibly tied to Celtic God Cernunnos (depicted in foundation of Notre Dame), a symbol of the Antichrist, similar to Pan, a Greek God, who is a representation of Marduk/Baal…Satan.

Ends: “I just want to know the truth.”

The title comes, in red (blood): Leave the World Behind.

This is likely an allusion to Lucifer's reincarnation soul trap…the truth, leave the Fallen Earth and ascend to the heavenly body.
