
Bombshell Study - Death Knell for Covid ‘Vaccines?’

Researchers discovered that an ingredient in the mRNA vaccines, 1-methylpseudouridine, has an unfortunate side-effect; it messes up RNA translation one-third of the time. In other words, 33% of the time, random, unknown proteins are force manufactured by cellular machinery, instead of spike proteins (which are cytotoxic and quite harmful).

Having human cells make random proteins for long periods, has never been tested before. The downstream consequences of random proteins been churned out for an unknown duration, isn't a desirable outcome for any therapeutic, but thus far seems to have a significant and derogatory affect on the immune system.

Now, there are mountains of data that show the vaccines are/were dangerous, ineffective, and a likely bioweapon. The problem, was getting enough politicians, scientists, doctors, and elements of MSM onboard, to report on what many already knew.

There is some hope, limited, that this study (in combination with everything already mentioned) is the impetus for removal of an unsafe experimental gene therapy and possibly a first step toward culpability.

This study is in addition to officials in the UK and Columbia calling out the fraud and corruption that occurred, resulting in deaths and disabilities, which comes on the heels of a recent whistleblower data dump from New Zealand.

Unfortunately, hearings done in Sweden and Australia haven't produced the results most of us had hoped for, rather they have ignored or codified illicit behaviors as nothing of importance. Furthermore, this recent discovery is already being reframed as “positive” as a “simple fix” will ensure the wonderful mRNA technology can continue to be used.

Fingers crossed, that progress is being made, but I remain dubious. Momentum is gaining, but in order for it to mean something and go somewhere, people need to wake up to greater truths.

Who are pulling the strings?

Who funded these shots?

What was the purpose?

What is the end goal?

I cover many of these topics in my substack. People waking up, was simulated in the SPARS 2025 scenario, the Khazarian Mafia isn't unaware of a mass awakening, they expected and planned for it.

We have to know they are aware, and be a step ahead of their planned shenanigans. This battle cannot be done with our eyes half closed, focused on the past, instead, one has to understand the planned future, to win this war.

To answer the question, is this study a Death Knell for the vaccines, unfortunately, I don't believe so.

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