
Owning the Weather in 2025: A forecast study published in 1996 by the US Airforce (The Expose)

There is so much evidence surrounding geoengineering operations. 

A research paper by the US Air Force written in 1996 describes how geoengineering operations and dispersing nanoparticle technology would allow the military to own the weather. 

They do own it, they can induce droughts, hurricanes, ice storms, illness and disease in millions of people – as they do daily. - Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea

[Analyst note: chemically spraying the skies, manipulating the weather, and consequently poisoning our soils, waters, and foods (geoengineering) - is a very real thing. There are too many lines of evidence to ignore, from visually seeing it in the skies, to multiple whistleblowers, hundreds of patents, research papers, air and soil samples, released pictures, etc.

As for the military publishing a study, projecting where it would like to be. This happens all the time, and often they reach their goals, but they often fail too (although some failures aren’t failures, they simply become black projects once the technology has matured to the point of being field-able).

Regarding Dr Ana Mihalcea, I’m too ignorant to make a judgement, but I have some reservations. I don’t understand how one person can research, run a practice, run a business, and write 2-3 articles a day (incredible time management and little sleep?). I can’t find a single peer-reviewed paper tied to her. She doesn’t appear to have been silenced the way some others have. That being said, she’s also put forth some incredible materials, and has some very interesting theories - I may simply be too ignorant or lack the intelligence to make a valued judgement (torsion physics, for example, is a mind bender, that makes some intuitive sense, but still is hard for me to grasp).]

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