Loved the energy and clarity of Norm Ornstein’s column for The Contrarian. And I love this for boiling it down to: blanket opposition, withhold unanimous consent, constant quorum calls. I will follow up with Indivisible and pay attention to what my senators are doing. Because I live in the very blue city of Chicago within the blue state of Illinois, I assume Durbin and Duckworth are doing the right things, but maybe the can/should be doing more.
Adding to earlier comment: I found a use for The New York Times, which is not an important news source for me in this time of crisis. It provides the voting record of every senator on Trump’s nominees. Senator Duckworth voted against 11 of 12 nominees, and Durbin voted against 8. There are 10 more nominees to vote on, including Kennedy (horrors!) and McMahon (wrestling maven for public ed?). Still time for BLANKET OPPOSITION! I will communicate with my Senators.