I haven’t been a doctrinaire libertarian in years, but Thomas Massie’s Israel-skeptic views make him more valuable than 99.99% of the prosticians in Congress.
To the transgender ideologues: You have lost the argument. The battle is over; you just don’t know it yet. Your claims have been debunked in every way - scientifically, morally and logically. For years, you managed to coerce people into silence and acquiesence. But deep down everyone knew that your philosophy was crazy. You tried to force us to comply with a lie and to elevate subjective feelings over objective reality. But society isn’t putting up with your nonsense any longer. You have been roundly defeated. And deservedly so.
You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.
People are saying Trump is now looking like a used-car salesman
No, he IS a brand new car salesman
The same people are saying that having the President of the United States of American doing a car ad demeans the office
Well, yes, but it’s hardly noticeable now, is it ?
Oh ! And the Vice President’s rocket didn’t explode. That was a carefully-planned voluntary partial disintegration, that will look like a firework going