
The memory hole is the most sinister propaganda technique. MSM buries stories that show the normalization of demoralization and violate their sacred narratives. Last week in NYC, 3 terrible events occurred but most normies don’t know about them:

  1. Union Square: A riot broke out after a Twitch streamer named Kai Cenat offered free Playstations. Thousands participated and many were injured including police officers, but the few arrested were immediately released cuz criminal justice.

  2. Coney Island: A gay black man was stabbed to death after dancing at a gas station. The perpetrator was a Muslim teenager.

  3. Central Park: Discussions are underway to potentially house illegal immigrants in Central Park, school gymnasiums, swimming pools, and the few other public spaces kids have. Since President Brandon and Mayor “Instagram” Adams took office, over 100,000 illegals have inundated NYC. Many have been arrested for shoplifting, drug dealing, and drunk brawling. It’s only a matter of time until they escalate to violent crime like #1 and #2.

Escape from New York continues IRL:…

Escape from New York: 2023 - How a Decade of Progressive Demoralization Destroyed NYC
EXCLUSIVE: A bittersweet farewell to NYC - chronicling a historical decade of demoralization in my longest, spiciest, and most heartfelt post yet