I, Leo Pena, Trust in Gaia and Jesus :
Your post is cooler than cool it is Ice Cold;
take it Outcast.
Juan Luis Guerra cantale las verdades:
4 months ago
Volvi ah este tiempo con mis ciudadanía innegable a los Estados Unidos, con mi educación bien dada, para que este Mundo no se lleve de Drump y Putin para formar una Guerra Mundial que va a causar tanta muerte que le hará más daño a Dios de lo que Dios entiende. Cuando Dios le duele halgo hay calentones y resfios del Mundo entero, cometas que devastan soles que paran de existir. Tambien A Dios le da tres pitos si tiene que comensar de cero, porque Dios siempre gana. Entonces Dios sabe que pueden hacer y deshacer, pero como uno de sus hijos le llamo Angeles a todos ustedes que creen en Dios y Pasivamente con Ternura hagan le ver al Mundo Entero quienes somos. Hispanos, Indios, Egyptos, Africanos, Australianos, Europeos, Blanquitos, Mulsulmanos, Taino, Morenos, Chinos, Japoneses, Koreanos, todo Indigenous, Judos, Cristianos, Católicos, Budistas, Hindúes, si todo eso y mas. Somos todos Hermanos de Jesus somos todos las hijas y hijos de Dios. Todos tenemos el mismo poder, pero cuidado con perder la razon de ser: somos todos uno, todos una rasa, todos hablamos un Idioma sin palabras; un Idioma de Amor. Esta cancion siempre me ah atraído, nunca de je ni un mensaje ni un "like", Porque para ser Hispano para gustarle la bachata hay que hablar con accento puro eh entender toda palabra. Mi educación formal fue en el Ingles y me faltan las palabras para expresarme bien. Pero como dice la palabra de Dios en la libretita de el funeral de me Abuelita Zoila, esta deletrado: "Háblame pues con sencillez de los problemas de hoy en día, de los pobres a quienes quiero consolar, de los enfermos a quienes veo padecer, de los extraviados que anhelan volver al buen camino, de los amigos alejados que quisieras ver otra vez a tu lado, de los hogares desunidos para los cuales deseas ver en paz." Si lo se no es directo de una Biblia es una libreta; ya dije y de donde. Ah Dios no le agrada los deseos oh el pedido de gracias para ti solo/sola. Son los deseos para otros que cumple, y me lo decían desde pequeño que Jesus cumple si tienes <FE3, pero no me explicaron que "no son solo los dulces o los cigarillos que requieres pero la felicidad del mundo entro que te Brinda Dios; si Creen en Dios como tu Crees en Dios." Yo creo que todas las religions pueden ayudarte ser El Hijo o La Hija de dios como Jesus. Ayuden me Americanos a votar, ayuden me a Enseñarles al mundo entro que Dios es grande y poderoso que con mis palabras solas y las de los libros de sus religiones aprenderán a manifestar los milagros de primera orden. Son amados por dios y por este necio que dice que: ¡SÍ PODEMOS!🌟🦁✝️
Pick a color!!! Teal o Turquoise?!? We are All ONE, lets get this color Revolution done with already its like almost the second quarter and I want all Cherubs/Angels NOW. I need my confirmation, so time, also I love romance and slow burns, I have not even Bespoken To my Crush.
4 months ago
I returned to the United States with my undeniable citizenship, with my education well-earned, so that this world doesn't take Trump and Putin and start a world war that will cause so much death that it will hurt God more than God can understand. When God is hurt, there are hot flashes and colds throughout the entire world, comets that devastate suns that cease to exist. God also doesn't give a damn if he has to start from scratch, because God always wins. So God knows what you can do and undo, but like one of his children, I call all of you Angels who believe in God and Passively with Tenderness show the entire world who we are. Hispanics, Indians, Egyptians, Africans, Australians, Europeans, Whites, Muslims, Taino, Brown-skinned, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, all Indigenous, Jews, Christians, Catholics, Buddhists, Hindus, yes, all that and more. We are all Brothers and Sisters of Jesus, we are all daughters and sons of God. We all have the same power, but be careful not to lose the reason for being: we are all one, all of one race, we all speak a Language without words; a Language of Love. This song has always attracted me, it never left a message or a "like", Because to be Hispanic, to like bachata, you have to speak with a pure accent and understand every word. My formal education was in English and I lack the words to express myself well. But as the word of God says in my Grandma Zoila's funeral booklet, it is spelled out: "Speak to me then with simplicity of the problems of today, of the poor whom I want to comfort, of the sick whom I see suffering, of the lost who long to return to the right path, of the distant friends you would like to see by your side again, of the disunited homes for which you wish to see at peace." Yes, I know, it's not directly from a Bible, it's a notebook; I already said and from where. Ah, God does not like wishes or the request for graces for yourself alone. It is the wishes for others that he fulfills, and they told me since I was little that Jesus fulfills if you have <FAITH3, but they did not explain to me that "it is not just the candy or the cigarettes that you need but the happiness of the world that God brings you; if they believe in God as you believe in God." I believe that all religions can help you to be the Son or The Daughter of God like Jesus. Help me, Americans, vote! Help me teach the world that God is great and powerful. With my words and those in your religious HOLY books, you will learn to manifest miracles of the first order. You are Loved by God and by this fool who says: YES WE CAN! 🌟🦁✝️