
Welcome to the Multiverse!

So, my wife and I must be getting old because we were talking about the fact that we were having trouble remembering things that happened to us when we were kids and even, the sequence of what we think we remember since we've been married?

So I started telling her about my theory about the first couple of rooms in the first mansion spoken about by Jesus in the Kingdom of Heaven:

"In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." (John 14:2-3)

In the first room in the first mansion, we get to go back and see exactly what we did, exactly what happened to us and why we made the particular choices that we did.

In the second room, we get to go back, knowing what we now know, and make other choices...

And we get to go back and do that over and over again, as many times as we like, accumulating as we go along the degree of our 'Knowing what we know now...'

In the next room we get to go back in time and experience anything that has ever happened, as it happened.

For example, we get to see who really killed Kennedy and whether Lee Harvey Oswald was on the second floor having lunch when it happened or not...

We can go back and see Jesus, personally.

We can go to all of those concerts we missed, etc.

Then, in the next room, we can go back and not only 'witness' all of those things, but interact with them and make changes. I'm looking forward to going back to the first Greatful Dead concert that I ever went to and introducing myself to myself and giving me some much needed advice!

Then there's the 'cut and paste' rooms where we can mash up all these different times and places together into whatever kind of collage that might suit our fancy...

And all of this is before we even get into any collective and collaborative, interactive creation with friends and family altogether and at the same time!

Whoa! And I forgot to mention living in whichever fictional worlds we might like and interacting with them…!

Not to mention that all of this is before we even get to the second mansion which takes us beyond anything we've imagined up until this point and then beyond anything we can even begin to imagine!

Many of the greatest Saints don't even bother with these first few mansions and arrive fully established in mansions several blocks down the road from any of these that we have described here…

Happy Trails, indeed!
