
I think part of the reason so many of us who used to be on the left feel so politically homeless is that we were the first ones to notice and try and temper illiberal left radicalism simply due to proximity. We saw it first, we talked about it first, and we paid for it with our reputations and relationships insofar as people were even paying attention to what we were saying.

It was the right that ended it. Five years ago, Jacobin could interview a non-white Marxist giving a brilliant takedown …


The New York Times is covering Trump policy not with political analysis but with individual trauma at the center of its stories.

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Notice that Democrats are more upset about the auditor than they are about the auditor's findings.

They don't dispute Elon Musk's claims. Instead, they're trying to argue if he's allowed to expose the corruption.

This is called a pivot. Manipulators do this when they're caught.