Pat Roach 

Portland, OR
Ballad of a New Pornographer
Ballad of a New Pornographer
by A.C. Newman
Freddie deBoer
Freddie deBoer
by Freddie deBoer
Graphs about Religion
Graphs about Religion
by Ryan Burge
The Honest Broker
The Honest Broker
by Ted Gioia
The Pragmatic Mystic
The Pragmatic Mystic
by Addison Hodges Hart
Symbolic Capital(ism)
Symbolic Capital(ism)
by Musa al-Gharbi
The Weekly Dish
The Weekly Dish
by Andrew Sullivan
You Are Not Your Own Substack
You Are Not Your Own Substack
by O. Alan Noble
The Anchored Argosy
The Anchored Argosy
by Susannah Black Roberts
Books of Titans
Books of Titans
by Erik Rostad
Chris’s Random Writings
by Chris Hutchinson
Digital Liturgies
Digital Liturgies
by Samuel D. James
Entering The Lung
Entering The Lung
by Neko Case
Fake Prof Chris
The Free Press
The Free Press
by Bari Weiss
Glenn Loury
Glenn Loury
by Glenn Loury
The Homeward Dispatches
The Homeward Dispatches
by Jared Stacy
by John Carr
The Ivy Exile
The Ivy Exile
by The Ivy Exile
by Alexander Semenyuk
Luke Burgis Newsletter
Luke Burgis Newsletter
by Luke Burgis
Odds & Enns - A Substack by Pete Enns
Odds & Enns - A Substack by Pete Enns
by Odds and Enns
On Substack
On Substack
by Substack Writers
Origins of Our Time
by Tim Barker
Pancake Victim Speaks
Pancake Victim Speaks
by Tim Pickavance
Portland Stack
Portland Stack
by Devin Boone
Quid Amo
Quid Amo
by James K.A. Smith
Reality’s Last Stand
Reality’s Last Stand
by Colin Wright
Restoration, with Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Restoration, with Ayaan Hirsi Ali
by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Rod Dreher's Diary
by Rod Dreher
Scot’s Newsletter
Scot’s Newsletter
by Scot McKnight
Selling Out
by Natasha Stagg
Substack Reads
Substack Reads
by Substack
Thinking about...
Thinking about...
by Timothy Snyder
The Truth Fairy
The Truth Fairy
by Abigail Shrier
Unpopular Front
Unpopular Front
by John Ganz
Word from the Bird
Word from the Bird
by Michael F. Bird