Michelle Aldrich 

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1 Thing/Week
by Jenn Bollenbacher
@idipbananasintocoffee’s Substack
by @idipbananasintocoffee
The Art of Noticing
by Rob Walker
Ask Polly
by Heather Havrilesky
The Audacity.
by Roxane Gay
Austin Kleon
by Austin Kleon
bitches gotta eat!
by samantha irby
Cheryl Strayed's Dear Sugar
by Cheryl Strayed
Claire From Online
by Claire
The Clearing by Katherine May
by Katherine May
Crone Sandwich
by Catherine Newman
Deez Links
by Delia Cai
The Department of Salad: Official Bulletin
by emily nunn
by Nick Catucci
Extra Fine Writing
by Ricardo
A Fan's Notes, by Nick Hornby
by Nick Hornby
Feels Like Home
by Alex Lewis
Hannah Notes Moer
by Hannah Moerman
Human Stuff
by Lisa Olivera
internet princess
by rayne fisher-quann
It'll Be Fun, They Said
by Jess Pan
I’m Walking Here
by Liz Gumbinner
La Briffe
by Ruth Reichl
The Ladybird Purse • Opening up about money
by Keris Fox
Mitchell's Newsletter
by Mitchell Volk
morning person
by Leslie Stephens
by Jillian Hess
Olivia’s Substack
by Olivia Muenter
The Penguin Post
by April Wu
Playing with Fire
by Shannon Watts
Reading, Writing, Ranting, Recommending
by Amy
Receipt from the Bookshop
by Katie Clapham
The Review of Beauty by Jessica DeFino
by Jessica DeFino
The Shift With Sam Baker
by sam baker
That Digital Dad
by Sean
This Page is a Portal
by Journal As Altar
Toga's Stationery Vagaries
by Toga
The truth about everything*
by Justin Myers
The Weekly Digress
by Emma Golden Miller
What Do We Do Now That We're Here?
by Rosie Spinks
What To Cook When You Don't Feel Like Cooking
by Caroline Chambers
Whitney English
by Whitney English